If you want to hear about how Seal Shield started, or you just want to learn how to capitalize on problems in your market, listen to the full first-ever episode of Clean Talk Podcast! Be ...
Our team is what makes our company great. We are passionate about hiring and retaining our amazing talent. How do you reward your team? Let us know in the comments! If you want to build ...
Innovation arises when we connect two seemingly different disciplines. That is why we need clinicians to help solve business problems and vice versa. If you want to be part of the solution, listen to the ...
Every major issue (past or present) our world faces (or has faced) can be solved through collaboration. That is why we are creating a community to solve for infection control. If you want to hear ...
There’s a simple way to save hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of costs to our healthcare system. We simply need to maintain tech properly in a way that doesn’t ruin the equipment while eliminating ...
Are you aware of the average amount of bacteria on the surfaces you touch every day? 🦠Now more than ever it’s crucial to keep our surfaces clean. If you want to hear about how ...
Infection control is a complex puzzle, but if healthcare providers are dedicated to finding and using the proper solutions, together we can save hundreds of thousands of lives. To learn more about infection control, listen ...